Genetic Testing Archives - Myogenes

Genetic Testing

Matching drugs to DNA is ‘new era of medicine’

Matching drugs to DNA is ‘new era of medicine’

We have the technology to start a new era in medicine by precisely matching drugs to people’s genetic code, a major report says. Some drugs are completely ineffective or become deadly because of subtle differences in how our bodies function. The British...

Experts push genetic testing for drug prescriptions

Experts push genetic testing for drug prescriptions

Pharmacogenomic testing could save the NHS money in the long term and reduce the risks of side-effects. Genetic testing to predict how individuals will respond to common medicines should be implemented without delay to reduce the risk of side-effects and ensure that...

How Genetic Testing Can Help Reduce Pressure on the NHS

How Genetic Testing Can Help Reduce Pressure on the NHS

Adverse drug reactions can lead to repeated GP visits, unnecessary hospital admissions and, in the worse cases, even death. With the global health crisis caused by the Coronavirus (Covid-19), it is more important than ever to keep hospital beds free for those who...